End of the Tail

Everything has an end and so does our development of Cattitude. We are so excited to present our game to the world, but also sad that this journey is almost over. It has been quite the ride so let us tell you one last time what we did this week to bring you this game.

Finishing up 

It's was the last week of the project, which meant a seemingly infinite loop of testing and bugfixing. And that is exactly where most of our time went into this week. Our goal was to be able to guarantee a smooth gaming experience without any major bugs appearing. We also tweaked the lighting and composition of our level and screens a bit more, but only to a minor degree. 

We already put some hours into balancing before but this week we tested the points very intensively again. Luckily most things already felt good but we changed some values here and there to create a fair match. We also changed the treshold in which the draw screen appears, since the possibility of hitting the perfect middle point was way too unlikely.

Character Selection 

Yes, I know I am sorry that you have to read about the character selection AGAIN. But I promise this will be the last time. Even tho we were happy with how its build up, we felt like the colors and background didn´t match the style of our game as well. So we replaced transparents with solid colors and worked a bit more monochrome.

Intro Screen

Only one thing remained after that,  tackling the intro screen.

After creating the end screens last week we felt that the intro screen did not meet our new standard, so an update was needed. We wanted to give the players the cat experience from the minute they start the game, while also giving the player that feeling of doing something they are not supposed to. We decided that an interactive intro screen was the best way to achieve this and came up with a simple idea that in our opinion translates those feelings well. Take a look.

So what would you do? Give in to your catly instincts or listen to the text? If you stay in the intro screen long enough you will encounter an easteregg we spend some effort integrating. But that you will need to see for yourself!

I guess that´s it then! Thank you so much for reading our Devlogs and downloading our game, we appreciate it a lot. If you are interested watch our gameplay trailer or even better - test the game out yourself! 

Much love from the Cattitude Team

-Written by Glenn & Sarah-

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